
F O X Y  S L A V E ‘ S

driven by her owner

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We are a german couple living a 24/7 relationship whose only objective is to embody and empower collared, underfucked and submissive fuckslut Foxy van D, owned and operated by Max van D.
We are sharing this blog to express and explore our experiences in respect to or way and style of life.

Our 24/7 relationship was created on July 1st, 2012. Her lifetime guilt and deep debt to me will never end. Her body & mind serve me up to the end of her days.

18+ | NSFW | This site will make your cock hard & your pussy dripping wet
...and may cause addiction!

Master-slave | Manifest | Bill of Rights | Anthem | Private Prostitution
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Bill of Rights (updated 2019)

1. Foxy has the right to be treated with respect. Not only do she has this right, she have the right to demand it. Being submissive does not make her a doormat or less of a person than anyone else. The word “submissive” describes her nature and in no way diminishes her as a human being. She has the right to respect herself as well.

2. Foxy has the right to be proud of what she is. Being a submissive is nothing that should ever bring her shame or feelings of reproach. her submissive nature is a gift and should always be a source of pride and happiness.

3. Foxy has the right to feel safe. Being a submissive should not make her feel afraid, insecure or threatened. Submission is not about living on the edge orflirting with fear. In any situation she should feel safe or there can never be true surrender.

4. Foxy has the right to her emotions and feelings. her emotions and feelings come from her and they are just as valid as anyone else’s. She has a right to them. Those feelings, whether positive or negative, make her who she is and suppressing them will only bring unhappiness later.

5. Foxy has the right to express her negative feelings. Being submissive does not make her an object that no longer has negative thoughts or concerns.Her concerns are real and she has every right to express them. If something doesn’t feel right, bothers her, makes her feel bad or she just plain doesn’t like something, she has to say so. Failing to express her negative feelings could give the mistaken impression that she is pleased or satisfied with something that is not pleasurable or agreeable.

6. Foxy has the right to say NO. Being submissive does not take away her right to have dislikes or negative feelings about things. If something is happening or about to happen that she feels strongly opposed to, it’s her duty to speak up. Remember, failing to communicate the word NO is the same as saying YES.

7. Foxy has the right to expect happiness in life. Being submissive is not tantamount to being miserable, suffering or a life of despair. Her submission should bring her joy, peace and fulfillment. If it doesn’t, then something is wrong.

8. Foxy has the right to have input in a relationship. She is an active partner in any relationship she enters and has every right to contribute to it. She is submissive, not passive. A relationship that doesn’t include her needs, thoughts, hopes and desires is not one she should be in to begin with. This applies to friendships, partnerships and D/s relationships.

9. Foxy has the right to belong. Being submissive greatly involves the feeling of belonging. Many submissives have expressed that it was in discovering their submissive nature that they felt as through they “belonged” for the first time in their lives. She belongs to the lifestyle and will eventually belong to the One. It’s in that relationship she should find the final fulfillment of “belonging” at last.

10. Foxy has the right to be loved and to love. Anyone who tells her that love doesn’t fit into a D/s relationship has never experienced the fulfillment of all it truly can be. Submissives are by nature loving and needing of love and have every right to expect this to be a part of their lives. It takes love to bring her submission into full bloom, so she shouldn’t settle for less.

11. Foxy has the right to be healthy. Health involves her physical, mental and emotional well-being. Any relationship, D/s or otherwise, that causes her to suffer physically, mentally or emotionally, beyond her limits, is abuse. There is no place for abusive behavior in a D/s relationship and it’s up to her to make sure those lines are not crossed.

12. Being a submissive does not give anyone the right to harm or injure her in any way. His owner will stand behind her if she should encounter such a situation but she is the one who has to make him aware before he can help.

13. Foxy has the right to practice safe sex. Not only is this a right, it’s a duty to herself and others she may come into contact with at a later date. Sexually transmitted diseases have reached epidemic proportions and must be a concern to any sexually active person. Safe Sex is something she has the right to insist upon and protecting herself should never be discouraged by anyone who really has her best interests at heart.

Granted, Max van D

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